Kodi is the platform by which we watch movies and tv shows that are stored on the fileserver. This page will go over most of configuration, with sub-pages for configuration/installation on the specific machines.
I use a mysql database to store the metadata for all videos. On the mysql server (fileserver), follow these instructions:
- mysql -u root -p
- create user ‘xbmc’ identified by ‘‘password’;
- grant all on xbmc.* to ‘xbmc’;
- flush privileges;
- Note, if a fresh install, use username “kodi” instead of xbmc. Mine is just a carryover from the old name for the software. DB names are still xbmc.* though.
Video/music storage:
- All videos and music is stored on fileserver on the RAID array
- paths are:
- fileserver:/raid/videos/movies
- fileserver:/raid/videos/tv_shows
- fileserver:/raid/mp3
- After installing kodi on the first machine, these need to be added as “sources” in kodi
Add the following to .kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml (on all machines):
Lots of changes can be made after this point, themes, addons, etc.. We mostly just use a modified estuary theme (so I can remove/move menu items). There are add-ons available, although we mostly use the PS4 and chromecasts for this type of content now.
Kodi is on the htpc, and the different chromecasts on each tv.